Case Report Guidelines and Instructions

  1. Abstract length: Maximum of 350 words (not including heading)
  2. Maximum number of Authors: 5
  3. Poster References: Maximum of 10
  4. Deadline to submit Case Report application: October 18, 2023.

Case Report Abstract must include:

TITLE (100 characters Maximum)
  • Should facilitate interest in the topic and should be searchable.
  • Body of the abstract must include the following and cannot exceed 350 words.


  • Describe whether the case is unique.
  • Does the case have an unusual diagnosis or clinical course?
  • Describe how the case contributes to scientific knowledge.
  • Describe the instructive or teaching points that add value to this case.


  • Describe the presenting signs and symptoms and clinical course.
  • Is the cause of patient’s illness clear-cut? What are other plausible explanations?
  • What investigations were completed to sort out the diagnosis? Include them if important.
  • Describe the treatments provided and the rationale.
  • Were other therapeutic options considered? Are outcomes related to the treatments provided?


  • Report on literature review of other similar cases. Describe how this case is different.
  • Explain the rationale for reporting the case. What is unusual about the case? Does it challenge prevailing wisdom?
  • In the future, could things be done differently in a similar case?
  • What educational pearls can be gleamed from this case?
  • Describe why this case is osteopathically relevant.


  • References (maximum of 10) should NOT be on the abstract, this should only be included on the poster
  • Photos and graphs should NOT be on the abstract, this should only be on the poster.